App Biker Hit By Two-WHEELER in Rajarhat, Run Over by Bus

App Biker Hit By Two-WHEELER in Rajarhat, Run Over by Bus

App Biker Hit By Two-WHEELER in Rajarhat, Run Over by Bus

Kolkata: A 24-YAR-old app bike rider, rahul das, carrying a passenger was killed when another biker coming from the opposite side, Violating Traffic Norms, Dashed Into Him, Causing The App Bik Rider Os Two-WHEELER And Falling on the Road. Before he could get up, he came under the wheels of a speeding bus on tuesday afternoon.
Police said the incident Occurred Around 1 PM on Rajarhat Main Road when Das, A Resident of Jyangra in New Town, was carrying the passenger towards City Centre 2 from Teghoria.
According to witnesses, das was driving along the left side of the road at a regular speed heading towards chinar park when another youth on a bike-without a helmet-came from from the opposite side AT AT AT ATE ACE
“To avoid collision, Das veered right when his bike’s handle grazed the other bike’s handle, and he lost control of his two-way. The left. Both Had their Helmets Strapped on, but since Das Fell on the main road, he came under the front wheels of a private bus that was plying on the same road, “called an office of Bidhannagar rights politics.
After the accident, the bus driver fled the spot, leaving the vehicle behind. The Helmetless Biker, because of whom the Accident Primarily Happened, also sped away with the two-way.
CCTV Footage also showed the passenger, who had also fallen down, getting up by Himself and Sloly Walking Away from the Accident Spot with the Helmet Still Still Strapped on to his head.
“We have seized the bus of route 211 and are checking the cctv footage to track down the offering biker. The bus driver, while trying to flee the spot tumbled and fell on a concrete road and sufreder Rently under treatment at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital, “said the officer.

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