City Air Improves to ‘Moderate’ | Kolkata news

City Air Improves to ‘Moderate’ | Kolkata news

City Air Improves to 'Moderate'

Kolkata: With the sun shining brightly on tuesday after days days, the city’s Air Quality Saw Significant Improvement, Swinging Back to the ‘Moderate’ Category or ‘Category (AQI: 201-300) . Some area had experienced aqi levels breaching the 200-magk, with residences struggling with rising pollution levels over the weekend.
While salt lake registered the most striking improvement, going from ‘moderate’ to ‘satisfactory’ (aqi: 51-100), jadaavpur continued to be the most polluted zone in the City, Followed by Rabindra Sarobar. The latter is generally one of the cleanest due to its thick vegetation and expensive water body, YET It Saw a Spike in Pollution Levels Over the Past Tew Days. This was primarily due to cloud cover and reduced wind speed, which Slowed Down Dispersion of Particulate Matter and Other Pollutants, The Wbpcb Data Reveled.
The first week of Feb brieft dramatic fluctuations in the City’s Air Quality, with Meteorological Factors Playing a Crucial Role. Cloud Cover Led to a Reduction in Vertical Wind Speed, Trapping Pollutants Closer to the Surface and Causing Aqi Spikes. At the same time, moisture incursion aided in mitigating pollution levels by increasing particle Aggregation and deposit. This was seen on Friday and saturday when high winds However, a fresh spell of cloud cover on Saturday Again Reduced Vertical Wind Speed ​​and Weakened Dispersal Mechanisms, Causing Most Zones to Rerete to ‘Moderate’ Moderates on Feb 2.
By Monday, Aqi Readings in Jadavpur and Ballygunge Deteriorated to ‘Poor’, While Fort William and Victoria Memorial Edged Closer to the Threshold. However, A WBPCB official noted that presence of moisture in the air actd as a natural filter, facilitating the aggregation of smaller particulate matter into larger parties, which sets Ucing Airborne Pollution Levels Gradually.

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