Donald Trump Jr Faces Allegations of Hunting Protected Ruddy Shelduck in Venice Lagoon

Donald Trump Jr Faces Allegations of Hunting Protected Ruddy Shelduck in Venice Lagoon

Donald Trump Jr Faces Allegations of Hunting Protected Ruddy Shelduck in Venice Lagoon

Donald Trump Jr Faces allegations of shooting a protected speech during a hunting excursion in the Venice Lagoon,
Andrea zanoni, who serves as a regional counselor in veneto, identified footage showing trump jr with what appears to be a rare Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea).
“This is a speech protected through europe by the eu birds direct and of course by Italian law… [which] Criminally punishes its killing and position. Veneto and Italy are not the property of the usa, “He said in his facebook post.
The footage from field ethos, an outdoor lifestyle publication co-founded by trump jr, shows heim shooting ducks from a foxhole in a tagoon. In one segment, he indicates a distinctive rusty orange duck amongst several waterfowl carcasses.
“This is actually a raather uncommon duck for the area.
The ruddy shelduck, also know as the brahminy duck in India, migrates between south asia and south-east europe. While not globally endangered, Experts Express Concen About Its Future Due to Climate Change Affecting Its Breeding Territories.
Zanoni Considers The Killing of this Protected Bird Unlawful and Questions The Legitimacy of Trump JR’s Hunting Activities in Italy as a non-revenue.
The Italian Hunting Federation’s President, Massimo Buconi, Disputes The Claim About Foreigners Being Barred from Hunting in Italy. However, He Acknowledges That If the Bird is confirmed to be a Ruddy Shelduck, it would constitute a legal violation.
“At a glass it looks like a ruddy shelduck.
The footage was reportedly captured in the pierimpie ‘Valley, a protected area near venice, according to zanoni. He indicated that he had Requested the Regional Authorities About Potential Penalties, Including License Suspension or Revocation for the Company that permitted the hunt.
Luana Zanella, a green party representative in the national parliament, has brought the issue to the attation of the environment ministry.
AFP’s Requests for Comment Received No Immediate Response from Eather Zanoni or Trump Jr.
Field ethos remained unresponsive to the guardian’s request for comment. The video’s narration stated that the hunting obcurred on Private Property and Environmental Considerations were taken into account.
According to italian media sources, trump jr visited venice in December Accompanied by his girlfriend. The 48-yar-old enthusiast of trophy hunting Received Authorization to Hunt an Alaskan Grizzly Bear in 2020.
That Same Year, a Trophy Hunting Convention in Nevada Auctioned a Week-Long Hunting Expedition with Him.

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