New Delhi. Bollywood’s talented actress Katrina Kaif has recently shared with fans a glimpse of the holidays she spent with husband-actor Vicky Kaushal. Fans like the couple’s chemistry a lot. Now the actress has shared photos while spending quality time with her husband.
Katrina’s recently shared photos are becoming quite viral on social media. In these pictures, Katrina is seen hugging Vicky and somewhere else she is seen enjoying fun-filled moments with her family friends.
Katrina’s post going viral
Actress Katrina Kaif is very active on social media. Recently, while sharing holiday pictures on her Instagram, the actress wrote in the caption, Family, friends and British wild areas… (Taking a dip in Zero Ocean on Boxing Day always seems like a good idea). In one romantic photo, Katrina Kaif is seen hugging Vicky, while in the other, both are seen smiling and posing looking at the camera.