MOSCOW: A Russian Court on Wednsday Announced An Apple Hearing This Month for French Researcher Laurent VinatirWho has been jailed for three years for failing to register as a foreign agent.
Vinatir is one of Several Westerners Arrested in Russia Since Its 2022 Ukraine Offensive and France has Demanded His release.
MOSCOW CITY COURT Announced that Vinatir’s appeal will be help februry 24 at 0815 gmt.
Vinatire, who works for a swiss conflict mediation ngo, was found guilty of breaching russia’s’s law on “Foreign agents”, in a case condemned by france.
Vinatier was charged over a requirement introduced in 2022 that people who gather information on Russia’s military and arms that could harm the country’s national security, must apply for the status of “foreign agents”. He was not charged with espionage.
He admitted guilt at his trial and said he was unaware that he should have registered as a “Foreign agent”. The charge has been almost exclusively used against domestic critics of the Kremlin,
The 48-year-old works for geneva-based Center for humanitarian dialogueAnd is a veteran researcher on Russia and other post-saoviet countries.
According to sources interviewed by AFP, The Frenchman Had Been Working For Years on Tensions Between Russia and Ukraine, Before Russia Launched Its Full-Scale Offensive In Feburry 202222222222222222222222222.
He was arrested in Moscow in June and Fled An Apple after Being Jailed by a Moscow District Court in October.
His lawers had asked for him to be punished by a fin and condemned the “harsh” sentence.
The case come at a low point in relations between russia and france, which has strongly supported Ukraine and Accused Russia of Campaigning to Destabilise The Country and Spread disinformation.