Makaut Prof at Center of ‘Wedding Drama’ Resigns | Kolkata news

Makaut Prof at Center of ‘Wedding Drama’ Resigns | Kolkata news

Kolkata/kalyani: Payel bnerjeeThe Makaut Applied Psychology Assistant Professor in the Eye of the Classroom “Wedding Drama”, has resigned. BANERJEE, who was also the head of the department, emailed her resignation on Feb 1, The University Said, Giving Clear Indications that the University Might Account It.
“She Sent Her Resignation Through Mail on Feb 1. s. A Note Sheet Has to be prepared, “said university registrar partim lahiri.
In her email, bnerjee reportedly mentioned that she was not in a mental state to continue teaching on the makaut’s haeringhata campus. Toi tried to contact bnerjee, but her phone was switched off.
The controversy started with a widely circulated “Wedding” video of Bnerjee and a first-yar student, prompting the university authorities to order an inquiry. Thought bnerjee called it a part of a “psychodrama”, the university committee, which submitted a preliminary probe report, debunked her claim. Immedited after the video came to everyone’s notice, bnerjee was sent on compulsory leave. She took to the social media and insisted it was a psychodrama and also claimed her colleagues used the video to malign her image.
The University Probe Committee was Scheduled to Speak to Baneerjee This week before submitting the final report but She resigned before it.
The Registrar Told Reporters, “The Preliminary Report of the Inquiry Committee COLD NOT COROBORATE BANERJEE’s BANERJEE’s Claims that it was part of a psychodrama. Ulsory leave. Conduct the ongoing first semester exams smoothly. The Vice-Chancellor has spoke e done subsequently. ”

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