Protest at Burdwan Med College over ‘Threat Culture’

Protest at Burdwan Med College over ‘Threat Culture’

Protest at Burdwan Med College over 'Threat Culture'

Burdwan: Student protests Eruppted in Burdwan Medical College Hospital on Tuesday with one Section Claiming that some medical students were trying to intimidate others and are issuing threats.
The Calcutta High Court On Nov 2024 Had Allowed Seven Students Suspended by the Burdwan Medical College and Hospital on ragging allegations To Attend Classes but barred them from college hostels. This Hostel Bar Still Remains.
A less students had started protected protesting against this bar.
But the other section backed the college’s decision to keep them out of the hostel premies. On tuesday, both groups met the college authorities with their demands. The protests were continuing till late at night.
To break the logjam, a college council meeting has been convened on Wedns.
The students Backing The Debarment Alleged that Several Students in the college was Continuing with Threats and Intimidation and Using the Ongoing MBBS Examinations as a pretext.
These students, it was alleged in their complaint, was thought to fail students in the exams and help others.
The rival decision, however, declined to comment citing it to be an “internal matter”.
Despite Repeated Attempts, Neither the College Principal Nor The College Authorities Chose to Speak on this issue.

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